Endometriosis is a painful, debilitating disease affecting over 200,000 women per year in the United States.
Symptoms range from menstrual abnormalities to extreme pelvic pain, caused by irregular uterine-type tissue growth outside the uterus, on the Fallopian tubes and areas lining the pelvis. There are no known cures for endometriosis, and for many women it’s a perpetual regimen of pain management for its chronic, inflammatory symptoms. Treatments include over the counter pain medication, hormone therapy, and in some cases, surgery to remove the tissue. Many women are now exploring medical cannabis as an additional form of relief, and new studies point to its efficacy in easing symptoms of endometriosis.
The causes of endometriosis are still unknown. One theory suggests that during menstruation, some of the tissue backs up through the fallopian tubes into the abdomen, a sort of "reverse menstruation," where it attaches and grows. Another theory suggests that endometrial tissue may travel and implant via blood or lymphatic channels, similar to the way cancer cells spread. A third theory suggests that cells in any location may transform into endometrial cells. - Johns Hopkins Medicine
Pain Management and Cannabis
A 2020 study conducted by a university in Barcelona, Spain has offered promising insight into how cannabis may help manage symptoms of Endometriosis. Specifically, THC has been shown to limit development of Endometriosis and its symptoms.
Importantly, THC also inhibited the growth of ectopic endometrium without apparent consequences on the eutopic endometrium and ovarian tissues. - Rafael Maldonado, 2020
While this initial study used mice with artificially-induced Endometriosis, it suggests a revolutionary new understanding of how cannabis may help women suffering from this condition as it actually demonstrates disease-modifying effects.
The other major cannabinoid, CBD, has been widely recognized for its anti-inflammatory properties, and could make a natural ally to THC in managing symptoms of Endometriosis by not only reducing inflammation, but buffering the psychoactive effects of THC.
CBD has a wide spectrum of biological activity, including antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity, which is why its activity in the prevention and treatment of diseases whose development is associated with redox imbalance and inflammation has been tested. - Antioxidative and Anti-Inflammatory Properties of Cannabidiol, 2020
At The Novel Tree Medical, our state-certified medical cannabis consultants have spoken to hundreds of women experiencing varying degrees of pain and discomfort due to endometriosis. Through these consultations, we’ve come to an understanding about how certain cannabis products may assist in curbing symptoms that hinder even the most basic of daily tasks.
Our aim is to help ease chronic pain by first identifying the specific, unique nature of the symptoms, then recommending products based upon them.