
Medical Cannabis Clinic in Bellevue

Looking for Medical Cannabis in Bellevue, Washington? The Novel Tree Medical is here to help.

Washington’s Only Medical-Specific Cannabis Clinic

Tailored For You

At The Novel Tree Medical, our state-certified medical cannabis consultants know that no two patients are the same. We’ll take a custom approach with you, being considerate of each individual symptom.

“Medical-level professional staff…It’s just been unbelievable.” -Mike C. 

Quality Assured Medical Cannabis Products

The Novel Tree Medical guarantees clean, consistent products that are easy to use for consumers. Our consultants can assist you in finding the ratio and intake method that best fits your needs. We stock a wide array of tinctures, vapes, edibles, extracts, flower and more.

Choose from brands like:

  • Fairwinds

  • Washington Bud Co.

  • Walden

  • Falcanna

  • Ceres

  • Skagit Organics

  • Botanica Seattle

  • Raven Grass

  • Heylo


What will my visit be like?


Our expert staff are here to assist you every step of the way. We offer private, in-store consultations in a discreet, professional and clinical environment that’s set up with your safety and comfort in mind. Expect one on one education on all things medical cannabis. Our team recommends products based upon an individual’s specific conditions, such as chronic pain, anxiety, difficulty sleeping, discomfort due to cancer treatments and more. The Novel Tree Medical is Washington’s only medical-specific cannabis clinic and your well-being is our primary goal!

CBD Tea Recipe: Quick, Easy and Relaxing

CBD Tea Couldn’t Be Easier with Tinctures

CBD tea is a warming, relaxing option for those cold winter days when the weather has us less than enthusiastic to brave the outdoors, but it can also make a great companion on a walk or hike too! The pain-relieving qualities of CBD make it a natural partner to the soothing nature of tea. There are several ways to create gourmet versions of CBD or cannabis tea on the web, but for added convenience and ease, tinctures are your best friend. They offer an easy way to control dosing, and their mild (if at all present) flavor goes well with just about any tea you may have in the cabinet.

CBD to THC Ratio Considerations

A few tincture options from Fairwinds and Ceres

A few tincture options from Fairwinds and Ceres

As we’ve stated before, knowing the potency and ratio of CBD to THC that is best for you is key. Select a tincture that’s appropriate to the activity. If you’re at home and mellowing out on the couch and in need of serious relief, it may be beneficial to use a tincture with with a higher concentration of THC, while conversely if you’re out on a walk or out in nature, you may want to minimize the risk of intoxication with something like a 20:1 (20 parts CBD to 1 part THC). Everyone’s needs are different and unique. Safety is always the number one consideration. It’s also good to consider the onset time of effects. We always recommend to start low and go slow, and build up to a dose that’s most effective and comforting for you.

Tinctures | Onset time is typically 15-45 minutes with 4-5 hour duration. Oil based liquids placed under the tongue can begin absorbing into the bloodstream faster than other ingestible products. Note that effects may be delayed to 2 hours to be felt in some cases.


Most CBD and cannabis tinctures have a dropper with a capacity to administer 1 dose, around 0.6ml of liquid. Meter your dose based upon desired effects and the ratio and strength of the product you’e using. Remember that if you consume the entire cup of tea you’re adding it to, it will have the same effect as it would if you’d placed the CBD liquid under your tongue as the tincture intends.

CBD Tea Recipe: Easy as 1-2-3

  1. Heat a kettle with purified water and wait for it to boil. Meanwhile prepare your tincture and select your favorite bagged or loose leaf tea. A high THC tincture and a high caffeine tea may be jitter-inducing and energizing, so pair your ratio and tea to tailor your optimal experience.

  2. Pour water over tea and steep for desired amount of time or around 3-4 minutes. Fun and tasty additions like sliced lemon or cinnamon can be added at this point too to let those flavors marry.

  3. Remove the steeped tea and discard. Stir in a dropperful of your preferred CBD or cannabis tincture and stir. Tinctures typically use avocado oil in their formulation and you may see that float to the top of your tea, that’s ok! Now it’s time to enjoy your tea, happy holidays!

CBD Vape Strains: 5 You Should Know

Convenient and discreet, cannabis vape pens are quickly becoming the preferred method of intake for many medical cannabis users. Here are 5 CBD strains you should know.

We profile some of the most popular CBD strains available as vape cartridges.

While they all share a high CBD content in common, other factors such as terpene and cannabinoid profile make each truly unique and worth considering. Whether you’re in search of an all day ally for chronic pain management or something with more sedative effects for night time use, there’s a CBD vape for you.




Total CBD: 40.3%

Total THC: 47.7%

An Indica strain born of a cross between Harlequin and Jack the Ripper, Pennywise has an equal ratio of CBD to THC. Often recommended for people suffering with symptoms of PTSD, the uplifting Pennywise is known for its relaxing and only mildly psychoactive effects, due to the low levels of THC. Contains high levels of the terpene Myrcene, which is also found in basil, thyme and even hops.


CBD Blue Dream


Total CBD: 31%

Total THC: 34%

Known as a ‘functional use’ strain by strain breeders, CBD Blue Dream is cultivated to be possess a clearheaded, mildly euphoric high. A CBD variant of the hugely popular Blue Dream strain, this vape has found a home among many medical cannabis users for its reportedly therapeutic, energizing and all-day-friendly characteristics.


CBD Yummy

Puffin Farm

Total CBD: 31%

Total THC: 16%

More oriented to evening and night time use, CBD Yummy is an Indica dominant hybrid with roughly twice the amount of CBD to THC, or a 2:1 ratio. While it won’t cause you to doze off, it may be most effective in those hours between dinner and bedtime. With just the slightest hint of THC, CBD Yummy is known for clear headed, yet mildly subduing effects. The flower variant of this vape strain won an award at the 2019 Terp Festival. Nice job, Puffin Farms!


CBD Hurkle


Total CBD: 58.2%

Total THC: 31.6%

Another 2:1 CBD to THC strain, CBD Hurkle was developed by plant breeders crossing an Indica and a Sativa (Harlequin and Querkle). The intent was to create a mind and body calming experience with very low psychoactive side effects. You'll taste sweet notes of berries and cocoa in the smooth vapor. Often recommended to those suffering from chronic pain and anxiety.


The Lite

Raven Grass

Total CBD: 68.07%

Total THC: 6.33%

A deeply relaxing strain containing the terpenes Myrcene, Pinene and Nerolidol. Nerolidol is also found in jasmine and tea leaves and is known for its sedative effects. The growers describe The Lite in glowing terms: “Negative emotions and physical discomfort recede, allowing stillness. Quieting of the mind, those with chronic anxiety may find this allows them to find true rest. May notice a deeply sedative sense of relaxation.”

Endometriosis Pain: Can Cannabis Help?

Endometriosis is a painful, debilitating disease affecting over 200,000 women per year in the United States.

Symptoms range from menstrual abnormalities to extreme pelvic pain, caused by irregular uterine-type tissue growth outside the uterus, on the Fallopian tubes and areas lining the pelvis. There are no known cures for endometriosis, and for many women it’s a perpetual regimen of pain management for its chronic, inflammatory symptoms. Treatments include over the counter pain medication, hormone therapy, and in some cases, surgery to remove the tissue. Many women are now exploring medical cannabis as an additional form of relief, and new studies point to its efficacy in easing symptoms of endometriosis.

The causes of endometriosis are still unknown. One theory suggests that during menstruation, some of the tissue backs up through the fallopian tubes into the abdomen, a sort of "reverse menstruation," where it attaches and grows. Another theory suggests that endometrial tissue may travel and implant via blood or lymphatic channels, similar to the way cancer cells spread. A third theory suggests that cells in any location may transform into endometrial cells. - Johns Hopkins Medicine

Pain Management and Cannabis

A 2020 study conducted by a university in Barcelona, Spain has offered promising insight into how cannabis may help manage symptoms of Endometriosis. Specifically, THC has been shown to limit development of Endometriosis and its symptoms.

Importantly, THC also inhibited the growth of ectopic endometrium without apparent consequences on the eutopic endometrium and ovarian tissues. - Rafael Maldonado, 2020

While this initial study used mice with artificially-induced Endometriosis, it suggests a revolutionary new understanding of how cannabis may help women suffering from this condition as it actually demonstrates disease-modifying effects.

The other major cannabinoid, CBD, has been widely recognized for its anti-inflammatory properties, and could make a natural ally to THC in managing symptoms of Endometriosis by not only reducing inflammation, but buffering the psychoactive effects of THC.

CBD has a wide spectrum of biological activity, including antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity, which is why its activity in the prevention and treatment of diseases whose development is associated with redox imbalance and inflammation has been tested. - Antioxidative and Anti-Inflammatory Properties of Cannabidiol, 2020

At The Novel Tree Medical, our state-certified medical cannabis consultants have spoken to hundreds of women experiencing varying degrees of pain and discomfort due to endometriosis. Through these consultations, we’ve come to an understanding about how certain cannabis products may assist in curbing symptoms that hinder even the most basic of daily tasks.

Our aim is to help ease chronic pain by first identifying the specific, unique nature of the symptoms, then recommending products based upon them.