CBD Vape Strains: 5 You Should Know

Convenient and discreet, cannabis vape pens are quickly becoming the preferred method of intake for many medical cannabis users. Here are 5 CBD strains you should know.

We profile some of the most popular CBD strains available as vape cartridges.

While they all share a high CBD content in common, other factors such as terpene and cannabinoid profile make each truly unique and worth considering. Whether you’re in search of an all day ally for chronic pain management or something with more sedative effects for night time use, there’s a CBD vape for you.




Total CBD: 40.3%

Total THC: 47.7%

An Indica strain born of a cross between Harlequin and Jack the Ripper, Pennywise has an equal ratio of CBD to THC. Often recommended for people suffering with symptoms of PTSD, the uplifting Pennywise is known for its relaxing and only mildly psychoactive effects, due to the low levels of THC. Contains high levels of the terpene Myrcene, which is also found in basil, thyme and even hops.


CBD Blue Dream


Total CBD: 31%

Total THC: 34%

Known as a ‘functional use’ strain by strain breeders, CBD Blue Dream is cultivated to be possess a clearheaded, mildly euphoric high. A CBD variant of the hugely popular Blue Dream strain, this vape has found a home among many medical cannabis users for its reportedly therapeutic, energizing and all-day-friendly characteristics.


CBD Yummy

Puffin Farm

Total CBD: 31%

Total THC: 16%

More oriented to evening and night time use, CBD Yummy is an Indica dominant hybrid with roughly twice the amount of CBD to THC, or a 2:1 ratio. While it won’t cause you to doze off, it may be most effective in those hours between dinner and bedtime. With just the slightest hint of THC, CBD Yummy is known for clear headed, yet mildly subduing effects. The flower variant of this vape strain won an award at the 2019 Terp Festival. Nice job, Puffin Farms!


CBD Hurkle


Total CBD: 58.2%

Total THC: 31.6%

Another 2:1 CBD to THC strain, CBD Hurkle was developed by plant breeders crossing an Indica and a Sativa (Harlequin and Querkle). The intent was to create a mind and body calming experience with very low psychoactive side effects. You'll taste sweet notes of berries and cocoa in the smooth vapor. Often recommended to those suffering from chronic pain and anxiety.


The Lite

Raven Grass

Total CBD: 68.07%

Total THC: 6.33%

A deeply relaxing strain containing the terpenes Myrcene, Pinene and Nerolidol. Nerolidol is also found in jasmine and tea leaves and is known for its sedative effects. The growers describe The Lite in glowing terms: “Negative emotions and physical discomfort recede, allowing stillness. Quieting of the mind, those with chronic anxiety may find this allows them to find true rest. May notice a deeply sedative sense of relaxation.”