Many Americans rely on popping Melatonin before bedtime for sleep problems, but what about cannabis?
“Why don’t you take a Melatonin or two…” A common refrain when we talk to each other about sleep issues. It’s practically as standard a response as taking an Ibuprofen for joint pain. Simply put, it’s engrained in the collective regimen of most people and many don’t give it a second thought.
The fact is, most don’t have a complete understanding of how Melatonin affects your body and hopefully induces sleep, or what a reliance upon it could do to already out of balance systems in our body. Sleep issues arise from a variety of issues that Melatonin isn’t necessarily equipped to alleviate like the timing of food consumption, exposure to blue light at bedtime, amount of exercise we get during the day, and numerous other factors. Increasingly, people are looking to a variety of cannabis products to wind down towards bed time and put them in a relaxed state before their head hits the pillow. As Melatonin teaches us, cannabis isn’t an all in one solution for sleep issues, but it may represent a more tailored approach.
How Does Melatonin Work Anyway?
Melatonin is a naturally produced hormone in our brain which serves the sleep and wake cycle, letting us know when it’s the most ideal time to both retire at night and wake in the morning. Melatonin supplements approximate this natural process, and essentially work to reset our biological, Circadian rhythm. Many times it’s used by people making long-haul flights across several time zones, speeding their acclimation to a new sleep schedule.
More commonly, however, these supplements are reached for when someone is having a particularly difficult time falling or staying asleep. The labels on many of the Melatonin bottles often feature the moon, stars, a series of z’s, a bed, or other icons that indicate bed time. This understandably influences the consumer, and it’s no wonder so many people see them as a catch-all sleep aid. While there are reasons to take Melatonin supplements on occasion and at appropriate times, the long term use seems like something to be wary of. The Psychiatric Times speaks about the importance of natural Melatonin as an important regulator of metabolism, which underscores the risk of taking additional supplements:
“An evening meal will result in higher glucose and insulin levels compared with the identical meal eaten early in the day. Over time these elevated evening glucose and insulin levels increase the risk for obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus. The timing of food intake in relation to our evening melatonin rise appears to be an important factor.”
- Melatonin, The Dark Side of the Hormone. The Psychiatric Times
How May Cannabis Aid Sleep?
In comparing Melatonin to cannabis, it’s important to note that we’re not advocating replacing one for the other, as they represent a totally different approach to achieving sound sleep.
Cannabis has a vast number of merits that encourage restfulness and sound sleep, owing to its many constituent parts like CBD, THC, terpenes and cannabinoids. These natural components of cannabis work with our body’s Endocannabinoid system, or ECS, and can help to regulate issues that contribute to sleep problems most notably by reducing stress, anxiety and inflammation. CBD has been especially touted as a sleep aid, but anecdotal evidence and a handful of studies have shown it to be most effective when coupled with small amounts of THC. CBD products found in supermarkets, drug stores or online shops contain no THC. In Washington state, CBD products containing THC and other beneficial properties can be found at licensed cannabis dispensaries.
“The effects of cannabis on sleep have been reviewed (Russo et al., 2007), and highlight the benefits that can accrue in this regard, particularly with respect to symptom reduction permitting better sleep, as opposed to a mere hypnotic effect. Certainly, terpenoids with pain-relieving, anti-anxiety or sedative effects may supplement such activity, notably, caryophyllene, linalool and myrcene.” -Taming THC: potential cannabis synergy and phytocannabinoid-terpenoid entourage effects, Dr. Ethan Russo
Although only a strictly anecdotal observation, The Novel Tree Medical consultants have noted that women and men react differently to CBD and THC when confronting sleep issues. The appropriate ratio of CBD to THC can be found in a multitude of products from tinctures to inhalers and more.
Inhalers are an increasingly popular choice for people looking for stress and pain relief before bedtime.
A Balanced Approach to Sleep
The Novel Tree Medical’s state certified medical cannabis consultants can assist you in zeroing in on the what may be most appropriate to your individual needs. A restful, rejuvenating night’s rest is different from person to person. A perfect, uninterrupted 8 hour window doesn’t exist for all of us, and it’s perfectly normal to rise a couple times during the night and we can still achieve rest despite it. That said, we may be able to decrease the number of bothersome symptoms that cause us to feel restless. Pain and anxiety are the two most prominent that cannabis has shown success in alleviating, contributing to a sense of ease and relaxation.