The factors that keep someone from a restful night’s sleep are individual and varied, but cannabis may provide relief for many.
Through working with people experiencing sleep difficulty, we’ve identified specific products that can provide a pathway to a better rest and a deeper slumber.
The combination of CBD, THC and terpenes found in these products provide relaxing and sedating effects.
tasty, discreet and long Lasting
The long-lasting effects of ingestible cannabis products make them a good option for helping someone get a restful night of sleep. Whether it is pain or anxiety that keeps someone tossing and turning, there is an product for that may best suit your needs. Start low and go slow, it can take some time to find the strength, ratio, and potency that is most effective. Cannabis is also something that builds up in the system and becomes more effective with continued use, so a product is typically more effective after 2 weeks of nightly use than it will be the very first time you try it. Edible products can take anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours to begin to feel the effects. If someone has issues falling asleep, they might find that taking an edible right after dinner and relaxing throughout the evening makes it much easier to fall asleep. If staying asleep is more the issue, eating the edible right before bed to get the full 6-8 hours of effectiveness may be the best option for them.
For some, the near immediate onset of effects from smoking cannabis can be most ideal. If someone has an issue with falling asleep, being able to smoke something before bed can help them fall asleep quickly. Some people will find that a heavy THC-dominant Indica can have a very relaxed body sensation we often refer to as “couch lock.” This is due to the essential oils (terpenes) the plant produces. These oils are also found in hops and lavender, things that are notoriously sedating. Again, remember to start low and go slow, because too much THC can be stimulating. For others, a near equal amount of CBD and THC provides a full body relief that is most effective at helping with pain and anxiety to help get that restful night sleep. Generally speaking, smoking about 30 minutes before bedtime allows the body to relax and set the stage for a good night’s sleep.
targeting specific locations
Sometimes it is location specific pain that keeps us awake at night. I personally have a bad shoulder from a car accident, and if I sleep on it wrong the pain can be excruciating and make it impossible for me to fall or stay asleep. This is a situation when a topical lotion or balm is the perfect option. I can apply the topical right before bed, and it will usually last throughout the whole night. I will sometimes keep the topical next to the bed and if I wake up with pain, I can reapply and the relief begins within 1-5 minutes. While edible options are great for full body relief, topicals are great for location specific and fast acting relief.
near-immediate onset
Some people enjoy the fast-acting relief of a smokable product but need something more discrete and with less smell than smoking a pipe or joint. Vaporizer cartridges provide a concentrated effect, so smaller amounts are typically very effective. Start low and go slow as too much of either CBD or THC can be stimulating. Many people will use their vape 30 minutes before bed, or keep it next to their bed if they wake up in the middle of the night to be able to fall back to sleep quickly.
Bath Salts:
a relaxing way to end the day
An incredible option that not many people are aware of are infused Epsom salts. For aches and pains or anxiety there are few things better than soaking in the tub at the end of the day, especially as we enter these cold winter months. The Epsom salts help location specific pain similarly to topicals, but also absorb through mucus membranes to provide a relaxed body sensation without the intoxicating effects. Start with about half of the recommended dose, as you may find you do not want to get out of the tub with a full serving. For those with sore feet, neuropathy or plantar fasciitis, add the Epsom salts to a soaking basin to relax your feet at the end of the day.