Our Three-Step Product Quality Program Assures Best-Practice Implementation Among Novel Tree-Approved Processors Who Manufacture the Wide Assortment of Products We Offer.


At the novel tree medical, every product begins with a clean, healthy plant.

The Novel Tree Medical Mandates Strict Compliance with OMRI  

The Novel Tree Medical only affiliates with processors that certify they use only “OMRI-listed” pest controls and fertilizers (or “input materials”) to cultivate the plants that are eventually processed into the Novel Tree Medical’s product offerings. There are no exceptions.

“OMRI” is the national non-profit Organic Materials Review Institute, whose mission is to “support the growth and trust of the global organic community through expert, independent and transparent verification of input materials, and through education and technical assistance.”  

OMRI maintains a list of the pest control and fertilizer products that are deemed suitable for certified organic production, handling, and processing under certain conditions spelled out in OMRI’s guidelines. Click below to learn more.

The Novel Tree Medical does not use the term “organic” or rely on any processor’s statements about being “organic.”  Instead, we demand quite simply that every processor wanting to provide cannabis products through The Novel Tree Medical use only OMRI-listed pest control and/or fertilizer products. Any deviation from that practice results in removal of affected products from The Novel Tree Medical.

The Novel Tree Medical Personally visits all of its processors

We regularly visit our processors: our visits give us the chance to observe processor practices first-hand and discuss anything in the production sequence from cultivation and harvest to processing to packaging and labeling. Our site visits contribute to our confidence in standing 100% behind all of our product offerings.