Nausea and poor appetite are common side effects from cancer treatment. We look at 5 medical cannabis products that may provide some soothing Digestive relief.
Stomach discomfort and the lack of appetite that stems from it are dealt with frequently for many people undergoing chemotherapy. This can be attributed to the powerful cancer-fighting drugs that not only attack cancer cells, but have a tendency to affect healthy cells throughout the body as well. While some people seem less susceptible to these side effects, they can be severe in others. Therapeutic drugs are often prescribed to head off fatigue and discomfort. It’s becoming more common for people to look to natural means of pain management through medical cannabis as a part of their regimen as well. Many doctors have also recognized the potential value it has for their patient’s comfort as well.
“Studies have long shown that people who took marijuana extracts in clinical trials tended to need less pain medicine.” - American Cancer Society
“Patient surveys have provided important insights about how people use medical cannabis. About 42% of people diagnosed with breast cancer who completed our survey said they used medical cannabis products to manage breast cancer symptoms or treatment side effects. The people who used medical cannabis ranged in age, cancer stage, and treatment phase, and most (75%) found it to be “very” or “extremely” helpful.” -
Products with pain-fighting cannabinoids like CBD are available in various strengths, and many are designed with clearheaded relief well in mind. Our state-certified medical cannabis consultants at The Novel Tree Medical have selected 5 products that fit this description, and that may help ease stomach upset, nausea and assist in stimulating appetite. They contain powerful cannabinoids like CBD, CBG, THCA which may help regulate digestion and also stimulate mood-boosting serotonin levels.