The CBG Blend by Heylo: Uplifting Yet Clearheaded

Clearheaded yet euphoric, The CBG Blend has fast become one of Heylo’s most popular vapes

CBG, or Cannabigerol has been recognized for its balanced yet buoyant effects.

The CBG Blend by Heylo is available at The Novel Tree Medical in Bellevue.

The CBG Blend by Heylo is available at The Novel Tree Medical in Bellevue.

On the heels of other well known medically-focused cannabinoids like CBD, CBG is garnering a lot of praise in the medical and recreational cannabis world and finding its way into more products on the market. It’s especially popular for those seeking to avoid unwanted effects that can come along with consuming high-THC strains. CBG-dominant strains and vape blends are touted as being good for daytime use, allowing you a much more functional and energetic experience. A great example of a product containing very high levels of CBG is The CBG Blend by Heylo. While it does contain considerable levels of THC, the CBG present has moderating effects and acts to buffer many of THC’s less desirable qualities.

The CBG Blend Effects

  • Euphoric

  • Clear-headed

  • Energetic

  • Slight buzz

In Heylo’s words, “dancing, socializing, relief and the best day ever” await you with The CBG Blend. But why would a medical cannabis user seeking to ease pain user consider it? In addition its clearheaded effects, it has been noted for the energetic boost it provides:

“This effect could be akin to a runner’s high, with a slight buzzing sensation around the body that would help to relax and ease the body while keeping the mind in the moment.”

- Cole, Consultant at The Novel Tree Medical

For those experiencing chronic pain or anxiety, the relief that CBG provides may help contribute to, in Heylo’s words, “a sense of ease.” On the spectrum of vape strains available, The CBG Blend strikes a balance between medical and recreational use, with attributes both groups may find very agreeable.

Looking at the terpene profile of the CBG blend, it contains nearly 1% Limonene which is most associated with mood-boosting effects. Additionally, Limonene demonstrates anti-anxiety and anti-inflammatory effects among other useful qualities.