Can Cannabis Help Alleviate Stress and Anxiety?
Stress and anxiety affect millions of Americans each day in a myriad of ways. Managing stress can be a major challenge, but it’s an absolute necessity for overall health and wellbeing. Having an outlet is key, but sometimes it’s not enough to stem the tide of an especially bad day, and a bit of extra help is needed. Enter cannabis, a plant that recreational users have recognized for decades for its ability to help you unwind and melt away the rigors of the day. While this long-held reputation makes sense to most of us, it’s largely anecdotal and subjective to each cannabis user.
Medical cannabis use is increasingly popular, and many have come to rely on it help them alleviate stress and anxiety. While few scientific studies have examined its ability to reduce or alleviate stress specifically, the ones that have conclude what we’ve come to take for granted, that there is indeed correlation between ingesting cannabis and a feeling of greater ease and relaxation.
The Studies
Effects of Marijuana on Mental Health; Anxiety Disorders | University of Washington, 2017
A recent study surveyed 1429 MM (medical marijuana) users recruited through social media and MM dispensaries from December 2013 to January 2016 in Washington State about the conditions they used MM to treat, use patterns, perceptions of efficacy, and physical and mental health. More than half (58.1%) reported they used MM for anxiety. In general, participants indicated that they felt MM improved their symptoms of anxiety.
In summary, effects of marijuana on anxiety disorders are complex. The endocannabinoid system appears to play an important role in responses to stress and anxiety. The two primary active ingredients of marijuana, THC and CBD, appear to have differing effects with regard to anxiety. Pure THC appears to decrease anxiety at lower doses and increase anxiety at higher doses. On the other hand, pure CBD appears to decrease anxiety at all doses that have been tested.
A Naturalistic Examination of the Perceived Effects of Cannabis on Negative Affect | The Journal of Affective Disorders, 2018
Medical cannabis users perceived a 50% reduction in depression and a 58% reduction in anxiety and stress following cannabis use. Two puffs were sufficient to reduce ratings of depression and anxiety, while 10+ puffs produced the greatest perceived reductions in stress. High CBD (>9.5%)/low THC (<5.5%) cannabis was associated with the largest changes in depression ratings, while high CBD (>11%)/high THC (>26.5%) cannabis produced the largest perceived changes in stress.
Moreover, for the vast majority of tracked sessions, users reported a reduction in symptoms of depression (89%), anxiety (93%), and stress (93%) after inhaling cannabis.
Cannabidiol as a Potential Treatment for Anxiety Disorders | Neurotherapeutics, 2015
Overall, existing preclinical evidence strongly supports the potential of CBD as a treatment for anxiety disorders. CBD exhibits a broad range of actions, relevant to multiple symptom domains, including anxiolytic, panicolytic, and anticompulsive actions, as well as a decrease in autonomic arousal, a decrease in conditioned fear expression, enhancement of fear extinction, reconsolidation blockade, and prevention of the long-term anxiogenic effects of stress
Medical Cannabis: Education is Key
Cannabis use for managing stress and anxiety isn’t a magic wand, and it’s important to have good understanding of how specific strains, quantities and intake methods can influence your mind and body. The Novel Tree Medical’s state-certified medical cannabis consultants are here to provide guidance, education, and to listen to your unique set of circumstances.