Many with fibromyalgia are now turning to cannabis in search of relief
While doctors and scientists try to decipher what is at the root of fibromyalgia and its symptoms, this painful disorder causes suffering and discomfort in the lives of 5 million Americans annually. According to the Mayo Clinic, leading researchers believe that fibromyalgia “amplifies painful sensations by affecting the way your brain processes pain signals.” While we may not be sure exactly what is occurring in the body to cause this, one thing that does seem consistent is that cannabis has provided a sense of relief for many people who are living with the ailment.
Symptoms related to fibromyalgia:
• Musculoskeletal pain
• Fatigue
• Sleep issues
• Mood issues
• Memory issues
Why Cannabis for Fibromyalgia?
Doctor Ethan Russo has laid much of the groundwork for what we are able to do at The Novel Tree Medical. His research on cannabinoids and cannabinoid receptors has led to his assertion that fibromyalgia is actually a deficiency of the endocannabinoid system.
The endocannabinoid system is the system responsible for regulating all other systems throughout the body. His theory is that if our body can’t produce enough endogenous cannabinoids (internally-produced) to properly deal with pain and fatigue, we can supplement with phytocannabinoids (plant-produced) to supplement our system. This is where cannabis enters the picture.
“Medicine continues to struggle in its approaches to numerous common subjective pain syndromes that lack objective signs and remain treatment resistant. Foremost among these are migraine, fibromyalgia, and irritable bowel syndrome, disorders that may overlap in their affected populations and whose sufferers have all endured the stigma of a psychosomatic label, as well as the failure of endless pharmacotherapeutic interventions with substandard benefit.”
- Dr. Ethan Russo
While anecdotal, the feedback we’ve received from many guests over the years with fibromyalgia leads us to the conclusion that cannabis can help aid relief from the associated symptoms, and corroborates Dr. Russo’s findings. Among the people we’ve given medical cannabis consultations to, most have found that products containing high levels of CBD and low levels of THC are the most effective for providing relief.
Cannabis products we’ve recommended for people Experiencing Fibromyalgia pain: High CBD, Low THC.
Cannabis is something that becomes more effective with continued use, as it builds up in the system and can help to regulate and modulate systems that are out of balance. Many people find that over time, once their endocannabinoid system becomes saturated with CBD and THC from consistent use, their dosage and tolerance actually decreases. As the body begins to return to homeostasis, smaller amounts become more effective over successive doses.
Link to Dr. Ethan Russo’s Endocannabinoid Research